

Local Eat, represented by its co-creator Julie Royaux!

It is a free application shortening the distance between producers and consumers of the agri-food sector, designed to revitalize the local economy, which won the Wallonia Price attributed this May 4 by the Jury of the call for projects THE TASTE OF CHANGE – Design for food.

Consuming quality products while supporting local producers is an approach that many of us want to undertake, but without knowing what to do, where to go. Who are the small producers of Wallonia and Brussels? And where are they located? The Eat Local App provides a concrete and immediate response through new technologies. This innovative tool for smartphones and tablets will allow to find fresh local products in two clicks, wherever you are: once you download the app, select the type of desired product and the distance criteria.

Congratulations to Julie and the Local Eat team!

The selection committee and jury of the WALLONIA PRICE

Chairman of the selection committee: Alok Nandi
Creative director: Architempo – coCreationcamp, interaction designer, lecturer at the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, jury member for Core77 Food Design Awards 2012

Giovanna Massoni – Artistic Director of RECIPROCITY design liège and curator of the exhibition
Clio Brzakala – Wallonie Design / general manager of RECIPROCITY design liège
Claudine Moreau – Marjorie Charlier – Province de Liège / Culture, Liège
Dorothée Goffin – Smart Gastronomy Lab, Gembloux
Isabelle Grommet – WAGRALIM, Pôle de compétitivité – Agro-Industrie Wallonie, Gembloux
François Jégou – Strategic Design Scenarios / ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles
Jérémy Joncheray – Taste & Visual, Strasbourg/Liège
Isabelle Masson-Loodts – independent journalist, Liège
Giorgia Morero – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode, Bruxelles
Kunty Moureau – Journalist and curator, Liège
Caroline Naphegyi – Lille Design, Lille
Jean-Luc Pigneur – Generation W – Vieusart Academy of Culinary Arts
Heleen Van Loon – Cultuurplatform Design Limburg, Hasselt
Saskia Van Stein – Bureau Europa, Maastricht

This winning project and other 59 selected projects will be shown at the THE TASTE OF CHANGE exhibition during RECIPROCITY 2015!